"Amber & Pearls"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
24" x 50"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
30" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 30"
by Richard Johnson

"The Battenburg Fan"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
24" x 18"
by Richard Johnson

"Bedtime Story"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
30" x 40"
by Richard Johnson

"Du Noir"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"El Fuego"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 30"
by Richard Johnson

"Ember's Glow"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"Golden Dreams"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
30" x 40"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"La Reina"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 30"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
24" x 48"
by Richard Johnson

"Parting Glance"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
24" x 18"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 12"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
28" x 50"
by Richard Johnson

Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"Rose Slipper"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"Roses & Venice"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 30"
by Richard Johnson

"Simple Graces"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 30"
by Richard Johnson

"Sunshine & Lace"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
14" x 9"
by Richard Johnson

"The Bare Shoulder"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
36" x 24"
by Richard Johnson

"The White Rose"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
48" x 36"
by Richard Johnson

"Wild Garden & Lace"
Embellished Canvas Giclee
40" x 36"
by Richard Johnson

Please let us know if you are interested in collecting artwork from this artist. You may email us at email@westendframing.com, or you may contact us at 804-740-1569.

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